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  • 123

    Heade praktikate infotunni salvestus

    EL URBACT programm avas 15.aprillil konkursi heade linnapoliitika praktikate (Good Practice Call) leidmiseks, mille tulemusena valitakse välja parimad linnapoliitika näited Euroopas.

    Annika Vaiko

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  • Become an URBACT Good Practice City! Call for Good Practices 15 April-30 June 2024.

    URBACT Good Practices: What’s in a name?

    Cities need to meet these four criteria to be recognised as an URBACT Good Practice.


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  • “Green placemaking” – Why communication and engagement is key in changing the way we think about urban green spaces

    Many cities around the world are experimenting with engaging residents in green space
    maintenance and at the same time, communicating about the benefits of nature, nudging locals to
    a more pro-environmental behaviour. This is a core theme of the BiodiverCity network as well,
    and the case of Dunaújváros, Hungary highlights the need for resilient, biodiversity-driven green
    space management in the shadow of climate change.

    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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  • Event

    Eveniment pentru promovarea Apelului pentru Bune Practici finanțat prin Programul de Cooperare URBACT IV

    Informații despre Apelul pentru Bune Practici URBACT 

    Simona Arghire
  • Event

    Секретаријатот за европски прашања најавува Информативна сесија за повикот на добри практики преку Интерег УРБАКТ IV програмата

    Во повикот на УРБАКТ за добри практики, кој трае од 15-ти април до 30-ти јуни 2024 год., може да се предлагаат постоечки локални практики кои се влијателни, партиципативни, интегративни, релевантни за Европската унија и преносливи во други европски градови.

    Naima Jomni
    North Macedonia
  • Webinar: Shaping our City Stories - how SDGs can be used strategically by cities

    In this first webinar, we explored how SDGs can be used strategically by cities to foster holistic sustainability, regardless of their starting point. We learnt about the support provided by UN-Habitat and the URBACT programme to cities around Europe and the world, and heard real testimonials from cities about how they are tackling sustainable urban development. We also discussed how the role of local governments can be further strengthened by listening to cities’ experiences. 

    Karin Luhaäär

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