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  • From a housing agency to a living platform - the Torino transfer process

    What do Chemnitz and Torino have in common? An easy answer could be that, in the last century, both had been known as “the city of…”.  The city of Karl Marx for the former Karl-Marx-Stadt in the eastern part of Germany, and the city of cars for Torino, the home to the FIAT factory.
    Relax, this is not a quiz on cities!

    Erica Albarello and Giulietta Fassino report on the transfer process in Torino and the important protagonists.


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  • Η Πορτογαλία εγκαινιάζει μία εθνική πρωτοβουλία ακολουθώντας το πρότυπο του URBACT για δίκτυα πόλεων κυκλικής οικονομίας

    Το URBACT ενέπνευσε άλλο ένα εθνικό πρόγραμμα - αυτή τη φορά επικεντρώθηκε στην κυκλική οικονομία.


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  • Põgenemine linnamüra eest Hush City lähenemise abil

    Mürasaaste ei ole midagi uut, juba sajandeid tagasi piirati Kreeka linnas Sybarises plekkseppade tööd, kuna nad tegid palju lärmi. Kui mõelda praegusele ajale, siis näeme, et mürasaaste on jätkuv probleem, millega tuleb tegeleda. Limericki linn Iirimaal näitab, kuidas seda teha. 

    Madli-Johanna Maidla

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  • Case study Nigrad (Maribor): Production of recycled concrete

    In this second case study delivered by the URGE network, Nigrad d.o.o., the utility company of the City of Maribor, shares their experiences with the pilot production of recycled concrete.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Atvērta pieteikšanās 2021. gada programmai “Vēlētiem jaunāka gadagājuma politiķiem!”

    Tagad ir atvērts uzaicinājums pieteikties dalībai 2021. gada programmā “Vēlētiem jaunāka gadagājuma politiķiem” (Young Elected Politicians - YEP). Jaunajiem vietējiem un reģionālajiem politiķiem pieteikums ir jānosūta līdz 12. martam. Tas, kurš tiks izvēlēts, visu gadu varēs piedalīties plaša spektra aktivitātēs!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Meet Europe's largest women's business centre

    Want to learn more about one of Berlin's largest cooperatives and the largest women's business centre in Europe? Check out the WeiberWirtschaft  here in the first GenderedLandscape video case study!


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