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  • Final Report - A roadmap to digital Urban Governance

    The results, the objectives achieved and the work carried out during the project, all summarized in the Final Report, a real Roadmap to Urban Governance.


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  • Making a difference with tradition

    An Award to Historical shops to preserve Lisbon’s uniqueness.

    'Shops with a history' is a municipal programme awarding and supporting shops whose historical and cultural heritage contribute to the city’s identity. To date 82 shops have received a distinction. Here we are taking you through the key point of the programme, an URBACT Good Practice and taking you to visit and discover (his)stories of 4 of these shops.

    Commerce: one of Lisbon’s development historic pillars

    Ana Resende

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  • The role of cities in Smart Specialisation. URBACT IN FOCUS FINAL CONFERENCE

    The URBACT IN FOCUS Final Conference took take place on April 19, 2018 in Bilbao. This event was the perfect framework for celebrating the results of the IN FOCUS project, in which 10 European cities have worked as a network over 30 months for the promotion of local economic development from smart specialisation and city-region articulation in RIS3.


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  • Alba Iulia - Integrated Action Plan

    A better life for the locals in Alba Iulia and a friendly town for the tourists who are visiting us this is how we can resume the scope of all our IAP. Through this integrated strategy Alba Iulia Municipality wants to create the right environment to accelerate the digital transformation of businesses, organisations and public administrations, and improve the life of our citizens by becoming a „launch pad" for developing and implementing smart solutions meant to attract tourists and to become a more livable town. We support all the smart initiatives and local policy makers to understand the application of advanced technologies and the opportunities they provide, so that they can design flexible, future proof policies, because a digital city is a place in which the life quality of inhabitants comes first.


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  • This is not the end!

    On 11-13 April the Interactive Cities final conference was held in Genoa to showcase the potential and challenges of social media and digital tools experimented at local level. Cities involved in the network also decided to continue the work together in the coming years through a Eurocities Task Force on Digital Citizenship. The conference comprised workshops to present the Integrated Action Plans (IAPs), developed at local level, presentations by guests specialised in various aspects, site visits and public debates.


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  • How 'Resilient Europe' Brought Urban As Well As Personal Change

    Local Action Plan by Malaga


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