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  • Spaces for smart specialisation: spaces and places where smart specialisation takes shape

    The urban economy is changing, and so are the locational needs for companies and workers. How can cities cope with this? URBACT IN FOCUS partners reflected on the development of new workspaces and places, in the context of smart specialisation strategies of cities and regions during the Transnational Workshop held in Bordeaux from 22-24 November 2017.


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  • Cities’ Challenges in Cultural Heritage Management

    Article by the network Lead Expert Pedro Soutinho.


    “A Historic Urban Landscape or HUL is an urban area understood  as  the  result  of  a  historic  layering  of  cultural  and  natural  values  and  attributes,  extending  beyond  the  notion  of  “historic  centre”  or  “ensemble”  to  include  the  broader  urban   context  and  its  geographical  setting’. It  builds  upon  the  assumption  that,  when  an  urban settlement is properly managed, initiatives, opportunities, and development can contribute to both quality of life and conservation of cultural heritage, while ensuring a social diversity and justness.» (in UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape).

    Antonio Zafra

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  • What do you know on children and seniors? A mobility survey from Agii Anargyri & Kamatero

    Genius-open project - a Ning User guide to setting up an online open innovation platform.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Gdańsk mobility in balance - how to achieve this?

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is slowly becoming "must have" for European metropolises that want their residents to feel good in their own city. Gdańsk will also have this document.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Cluster development and smart specialisation at city level

    The cluster approach is acknowledged as the most influential one in modern industrial policy worldwide, and the arrival of smart specialisation has emphasized its influence. But, why? How might local authorities take advantage of this momentum to enhance their role as facilitators of cluster initiatives? What new drivers are now working in the field of cluster development? This article gives us the opportunity to introduce some concepts associated to smart specialisation illustrated by examples from the In Focus network cities.

    Clusters and priority domains

    Miguel Rivas

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  • Migrants Perspectives 3

    In each edition of its newsletter the Arrival Cities Network will present some of the LSG members through their migration stories, this is the third that has been presented so far.


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