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  • 9 navdihov s srečanja U.R. Impact v Cinisellu Balsamu

    Med 4. in 6. decembrom 2023 smo se mudili v Cinisellu Balsamu, mestu v severnem delu metropolitanskega območja Milana, na prvem mednarodnem srečanju URBACT akcijske mreže U.R. Impact.


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  • ARCHETHICS_partners

    How “Dissonant” Cultural Heritages can foster Democracy in European cities.

    The history of Europe has generated a heritage that sometimes is controversial and complex due to belonging to totalitarian regimes or contentious borders. This heritage has been called “Dissonant”, addressing the problematic link between the physical elements like architecture, neighbourhoods, monuments, and urban public spaces, and the historical and political values those elements represent.

    ARCHETHICS Network opens a deep reflection on the Dissonant Heritage present in many European cities: it allows us to experience the complex and diverse history of Europe (focusing in particular on the Twentieth Century) and, through a critical examination of the past, come into the present to promote democratic and solidarity values.

    Ileana Toscano

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  • URBACT meeting in Tampere

    Suomalaisten APN-kaupunkien keskustelutilaisuus Tampereella

    Parikymmentä URBACT-hankkeissa toimivaa tai sen parissa muuten vaikuttavaa kotimaan kansalaista kokoontui 8.9.2023 Tampereelle livenä tai etänä vaihtamaan kokemuksia alkaneen uuden ohjelmakauden tiimoilta. Keskustelutilaisuuden järjestivät URBACT IV -ohjelman Suomen yhteyspiste (Alue- ja kuntatutkimuskeskus Spatia, Itä-Suomen yliopisto), työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö ja Kuntaliitto.


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  • URBACT Innovation Transfer Network -haku, tammikuu 2024

    Innovaatioiden siirtoa (Innovation Transfer Networks, ITN) koskeva hankehaku avautuu 10. tammikuuta 2024.


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  • cover

    Passar dos problemas às ações

    O que é o novo Quadro de Planeamento de Ações do URBACT?

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • Family photo, Transnational Meeting Beyond the Urban, Vic / November 2023

    Beyond the Urban starts walking at Vic's TNM

    Today marks the official launch of URBACT: Beyond the Urban, an ambitious three-year program aimed at fostering a more competitive, sustainable, and inclusive Europe by addressing key challenges in urban-rural connectivity. The initiative is funded by the EU through URBACT, and is led by Creacció Agència d’Emprenedoria, Innovació i Coneixement, headquartered in Vic, bringing together a consortium of ten partners from across Europe, including Bram (France), Bucharest (Romania), Hradec (Czechia), Kocani (North Macedonia), Machico (Madeira), Mátészalka (Hungary), Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal), Tartu (Estonia), and Treviso (Italy).

    Monica Carrera

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