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  • Making Spend Matter Toolkit - Step 2: Analysing Public Procurement spend

    Are you a public organisation looking to create sustainable impact through public procurement?

    Alison Taylor

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  • Positive narratives on integration- building inclusive cities

    Following the workshop hosted by Rumourless Cities  at the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities, Lead Expert Ruth Essex reflects on how developing and reinforcing  inclusive city narratives is more important that ever…

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Loulé, Healthy Cities in Covid times

    Loulé was Lead Partner in the URBACT project “Vital Cities-make you active” (2015-2018). Combating inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle in all age groups, creating solutions in the public space that encourage the population to practice sports, breaking social barriers through sport, promoting actions in disadvantaged areas, were some of the commitments assumed by the network.

    Now, being part of the “Healthy Cities” network, allows to continue the work developed in the previous project “Vital Cities” but, adding a very interesting study, debate and analysis theme: urban local planning.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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  • Impacts of Green Spaces on Physical and Mental Health - Thematic Report

    The first thematic report of the Health&Greenspace report is ready!

    The report gives you an overview of the general context of how green spaces effect mental and physical health and was put together by top experts in their field. Have a look!

    Viktoria Soos

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  • RU:RBAN participates in the 2020 Sustainable Development Festival

    The Sustainable Development Festival (22 September-8 October 2020) is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability, and to achieve a cultural and political change that will favour the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.     https://festivalsvilupposostenibile.it/2020

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Vilnius shares its very own gardening guide and its Ideas Garden

    It is known to all that Lithuania is one of the greenest countries in Europe and its capital city, Vilnius, one of the greenest city in Europe with 46% of the territory dedicated to green space: parks, squares and forests. Thanks to RU:RBAN and the city’s ULG (Urbact Local Group), the number of urban vegetable gardens is growing rapidly as a new phenomenon embraced by citizens and included as a sustainable tool within the city’s urban development policies.

    Patricia Hernandez

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