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  • "Spheres Of Influence"

    Mantova's reflection of delivering carbon literacy training in their own city. 

    The Mantova carbon literacy training gave some basic information on the science of climate change, using interactive activities and videos with experts speaking. The second part of the session focussed on the role of arts and culture and what can be achieved within cultural organisations and through their "spheres of influences

    Laura McIntosh

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  • "All is not lost when it comes to climate change"

    Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

    Today, over 14,000 individuals and more than 40 organisations are Carbon Literate. We can now include the C-Change network and some of their city staff to this list. 

    As part of the Manchester study visit in October last year,  a bespoke carbon literacy training course was delivered to the network. 
    The original content of the course was updated to respond to the climate emergency and delivered to project partners including representatives from their arts and culture sector. 

    The training was then to be replicated in their own cities and we can hear from Agueda who have already done this successfully. 

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Murcia Pilot Action

    Murcia City Hall, ≈450k inhabitants, south-east of Spain, as partner in the Urbact Innovator Transfer Network, is using bottom-up innovation in the public administration originating from Civil Servants, operating under the working concept of Capacity Building and Empowerment of Municipal Employees through Innovative Idea and Solution Generation.

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • L'Hospitalet's EMMCA keeps up and running from home

    Since March, the Music School and Arts Centre of L’Hospitalet, EMMCA, has its doors closed and nobody inside. However, EMMCA is a big educational and artistic community that kept working, playing, practicing, creating and sharing during these months. Here are the latest news from the leading city of the URBACT OnStage network!




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  • Baseline study Resourceful Cities

    The Baseline study has the goal to provide partners with a shared understanding of the existing knowledge base with, regard to progressing the transition to a circular economy in cities. It gives a good insight into project and introduces the network partners, urban resource centers, the workings of the project and the goals to be achieved.

    Esmée Dijt

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  • From ACTive NGOs to solidarity networks: civic ecosystems during and after COVID-19

    The COVID-19 crisis has heavily disrupted the activities of NGO Houses and their civic ecosystems. While the lockdown and rules of social distancing have made most of the activities of these spaces impossible, many NGO Houses moved their activities online and became protagonists in existing or emerging solidarity networks. Existing local communities and solidarity networks proved to be a strong asset in tackling the crisis: in neighbourhoods and cities where mechanisms of solidarity and care had already been in place, NGOs and civic spaces were able to organise themselves and provide their communities with the necessary goods and services. We reached out to partner cities of the ACTive NGOs URBACT network to explore how NGO Houses and their local ecosystems responded to the crisis and complemented the work of municipalities.


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