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  • The Valuable Role of Active NGOs - Supporting Espoo Residents in the Fight Against Coronavirus

    As the world faces an extraordinary challenge in the coronavirus pandemic, it is crucial to design and implement co-creative solutions to support citizens.  In Espoo, one of the most important initiatives undertaken is the cooperation between Active NGOs and the municipality towards supporting Espoo residents. 


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  • A Transnational Meeting in Dracula’s Land

    What could be scarier than joining together Dracula’s myth and public procurement?

    Alison Taylor

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  • Technology finds its way in the membership cards of urban vegetable gardens in Rome

    From April 23rd, 2020, the members of the Vivere in ... Onlus Association of the Parco Ort9 urban garden in Rome have access to their new membership cards. Why these new cards? The old ones, in A4 paper format, were not practical and complex to manage both for the members and for the Association. The management decided, therefore, to issue a much smaller format that will include the member’s name and surname and, above all, a QR code that will allow, in the very near future, the display of member’s information vis-à-vis the Association.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • The Albergaria-a-Velha teachers learn modulation and 3D printing techniques

    ¿Cómo ayudar desde tu ciudad a los refugiados ucranianos?


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    Based on the Transfer Methodology designed by our Lead Expert, Miguel Sousa that combines a carrousel model where partners learn together and all partners participate in the transnational meetings and a radial model: bilateral/trilateral exchanges between each CARD4ALL partner and Gijon or other partners, we organised an immersive meeting in Gijón last February.


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  • Riga NGO House – supporting NGOs also during the crisis

    Although during the Covid-19 crisis the door of Riga NGO House is closed to visitors, its activities have not stopped – close and active cooperation and communication between the NGO House and NGOs continues. 


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