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  • Focus On: Poznan - about the city

    The second 'Focus On' of the four cities in the USE-IT project is Poznan in Poland.  Here are some interesting facts about the city, alongside a quick background. 

    James Carless

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  • The value of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for local economies

    If I could write the perfect title for a presentation, this one would be right up there so I was delighted to be invited to lead a policy webinar on this topic earlier in the Autumn for the URBACT IPlace Action Planning Network.

    Sonia Files

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  • Awareness-raising around the SDGs – a practical example from La Rochelle Urban Community

    On 25 November, Stina Heikkilä had the opportunity to participate in an exciting event organised by our Global Goals for Cities partner La Rochelle Urban Community: the bi-annual Participatory Forum for Actors for Transition (Forum Participatif des Acteurs de la Transition). For this Forum, the team from La Rochelle Urban Community had planned an “SDG edition” with the aim of raising awareness about the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs among local stakeholders.

    Stina Heikkila

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  • Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 2)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event focused on smart and innovative cities, as Limerick City and County Council presented their innovative and smart city strategy and actions during this virtual study visit on the 9th and 10th of December 2021. 



    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 1)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event focused on smart and innovative cities, as Limerick City and County Council presented their innovative and smart city strategy and actions during this virtual study visit on the 9th and 10th of December 2021. The planning of this Virtual Study Visit as evolved into the very first ever Limerick Innovation Live Event (LIVE), a public event to showcase Limerick as a Smart City. Limerick is rich in talent and hosts many leading areas of expertise and practice – including some of the leading global technology, medical and pharma companies as well as globally significant research and education facilities. Find Your Greatness project partners heard about innovation from ULG members such as DELL Technologies, University of Limerick, Technical University of the Shannon, Analog Devices, and others. The event also contained the Limerick Small Scale Action. We introduced the Limerick Makers Club and FabLab, who demonstrated that innovation in Limerick is not trapped behind the walls of Intellectual Property, but a living aspect of the City.

    The recordings of Day 1 and 2 can be viewed at: https://www.limerick.ie/council/whats-on/citizen-engagement/limerick-innovation-virtual-event


    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Tiny Practical Steps for change: TransNational Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland

    The 2nd Meeting of the BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network took place in Wroclaw, from the 22nd  to the 25th of November, under the theme "Micro Good Practices". The meeting gathered the four project staff of the four Cities (Mouans-Sartoux, Liège, Gavà and Wroclaw),  their respective kitchen staff, and local stakeholders.

    Clara Garrone

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