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  • The world is changing and so is education in Viladecans: ‘360º Education’ has arrived!

    Lately, the world has had to face new challenges that have sprung up unexpectedly, and we have needed quick, effective responses to address changes in the educational sphere, during and after the pandemic. Now, it is more necessary than ever to work with broad perspectives and to connect all the stakeholders in the educational sector, both in and out of schools, to ensure we offer equal opportunities.


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  • How does Seraing want to boost the renovation of its habitat?

    From prosperity to decline then to reconstruction

    Bénédicte Borckmans, project coordinator for the ALT/BAU network in Seraing, reports on how the transfer process went in the Belgian city.  


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  • “Bragança, Freedom to Start over”: Bragança bets on new project to attract remote workers

    The Municipality of Bragança launches the pilot project "Bragança. Freedom to Start Over", a challenge that will give the opportunity to four families to enjoy the experience of living in Bragança, during the next month of May. The registration begun Monday, March 22nd, through the form available in the project's website.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Transfer Story: Replicating the mediator’s role from Lodz to Birmingham - what happens if we empower community representatives to become mediators?

    The last decade saw Birmingham fall victim of the most drastic austerity measures applied by the national Government after the financial crisis in 2008. The change of the national political leadership left Labour-led local authority exposed to the most severe budget cuts. Immediately after the economic crisis of 2008, Birmingham City Council was faced with unrealistic saving targets and several difficult decisions had to be made.


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  • The Climate Kid - A Superhero we all need!

    The Climate kid works with schoolchildren on a sustainable living environment

    The City of Vilvoorde launched the Climate kid on 20 February 2018. Its mission is to make it clear to children of the 3rd grade of the primary school what climate change means and how they can contribute to a climate neutral Vilvoorde. The Climate kid visited 15 classes in different schools and his tour ended with a closing event at which the pupils presented their plans for a climate-active Vilvoorde.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Transfer Story: Zagreb "Block Badel" challenge

    “Indeed, the move to connect public subsidy and private compliance must be understood in the context of the post-war history of urban redevelopment initiatives, most of which have been considered failures. A thorough history of these programs is beyond this chapter, but the litany of criticisms is familiar: Urban redevelopment has relied too heavily on private-side investment; it has emphasized displacement and gentrification over reinvestment; it has lacked citizen participation or neighbourhood input; and it has been riddled with patronage, incompetence, and distribution to favoured groups. Mostly, however, urban redevelopment policy has been unsuccessful.” ― Richard Schragger


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