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  • Visions from the City Representatives - the KAIRÓS interview series by Lead Expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects requiring significant investment. Political backing and direction are therefore key to attract resources and align necessary contributors and stakeholders. This is a series of short interviews conducted by KAIRÓS lead expert and TASO principal Miguel Rivas to Mayors and elected representatives from the URBACT network KAIRÓS Heritage as Urban Regeneration.
    In the first interview Miguel Rivas talked to Juan J. Moreno, the Mayor of Mula (ES).  


    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Science and Innovation Centre “VIZIUM”

    Author - Zanete Mertena, Ventspils Digital Centre

    A new Science and Innovation Centre “VIZIUM”

    Josephine Di Pino

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  • Botosani

    Author: Ortansa Albu Department of Foreign Affairs -City Hall of Botoșani - Romania

    People who come visit us in Botoșani they say about our town it is a quiet city with a special charm, a place waiting for you to discover its beauty and misteries. Located in the North Eastern part of the county, Botoșani is recognized among the Romanian cities like having green spaces and clean air - the perfect environment for relaxation!

    Dino Alessi

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  • Playmaking – the art of making people happy in their city

    An article written by URBACT Expert Wessel Badenhorst


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  • Whose knowledge counts? GIS-based surveys and community engagement


    Application areas of GIS for health-responsive planning and management of urban green spaces in the city of Espoo, Finland My Espoo on the map – application of GIS for collecting residents’ views and wishes concerning urban living environments and their health-enhancing effects

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Maptionnaire - community engagement platform for map-based tools

    Presented at Health & Greenspace workshop 04.03.2021 by Festa Isufi, Community Engagement Advocate & Inbound Lead at Maptionnaire

    Viktoria Soos

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