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  • HEALTHY CITIES: Bridging Urban Planning and Health


    Almost all urban planning policies and actions have an impact on human health. Do you cycle or drive to work? Do you connect with your community or commute through it? And when you’re feeling stressed, is it easy to go for a calming stroll in a green space? All too often, when people hear health policy, they think hospitals. But health is holistic, with the design of our urban environment feeding into whether and how often populations need those hospitals. Urban planners select locations, design spaces, and place services, and there’s ample scientific evidence to indicate these factors have a big impact on health. ISGLOBAL has identified air pollution, noise, heat, and lack of physical activity or natural space as health hazards presented by city living (see figure 1). Good urban planning, however, can not only mitigate the impact of those hazards, but also become a tool for generating health.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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  • EAT MAKE PLAY: A community enterprise that promotes participation and local trading for the benefit of the community

    Traditionally, we see mediators as people/organisations external to the conflict. What if it were done differently? If the center point of mediation were within the community itself?


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  • Delivering Socially Responsible Regeneration and Procurement

    Over the course of 2 and half years, Urban Regeneration Mix Transfer Network has been seeking to enable a new approach to urban regeneration. Framed by the good practice , the network has sought to influence the process of regeneration so that it includes greater community involvement and engagement, so that it brings social and environmental benefits, and so that it challenges the orthodoxy of the way in which regeneration has been undertaken historically in a European context.



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  • Adelfia: where science meets musical training for inclusion – despite Covid-19

    In Adelfia (Italy), URBACT OnStage has brought together science and music pedagogy through a pioneering research project that has served to engage children with autism and ADHD in the exciting adventure of being part of an orchestra – despite Covid-19!


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  • City video URGE: Granada

    The second of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • The Show Must Go On

    Sibenik brings C-Change to life with an interactive festival against the odds...

    Laura McIntosh

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