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  • How can public spend support local communities and the economy?

    How can public spend support local communities and the economy? A video by the municiplaity of Koszalin for the Making Spend Matter network. 

    Alison Taylor

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  • Dubrovnik: tourism before and after the COVID 19 outbreak

    Until spring of 2020 and COVID 19 outbreak, City of Dubrovnik was recognized as one of the top Mediterranean destinations, struggling with impacts of rapid tourism growth.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Youth Center Dubrovnik opened the doors of their new and spacious headquarters for the youth of Dubrovnik!

    Just in time for the International Youth Day, on the 12th of August, the Youth Center Dubrovnik opened their new headquarters to everyone interested in their numerous programs and projects such as STEAM workshops, biological research, robot programming, film production, volunteering, career and psychological counseling, sustainable development, etc.


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    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • One year URGE: looking back with lead expert Eleni Feleki

    Eleni Feleki is expert in facilitating urban transitions. She supports cities to fulfil their ambitions towards urban sustainability. She works as lead expert for the URGE project. After one year URGE, she looks back and forward. 

    City of Utrecht

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  • Come In! community festivals find new ways to set sustainable models

    In uncertain times like this pandemic sustainability is one of the most challenging issues for community festivals. Come In! partner cities share their ideas in finding new and innovative formats to ensure adequate resources and engage people in the long term for their initiatives.

    Artur Katai

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