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  • Video: Why Welcoming International Talent?

    Why Welcoming International Talent project from URBACT? What is this project all about? Check out the video!

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • The URBinclusion final conference: Networking for social inclusion in Europe

    By Massimiliano Rumignani, Sebastià Riutort, Marc Caballero – Barcelona URBinclusion team.

    The “URBinclusion final conference: Networking for social inclusion in Europe” took place in Barcelona on the 28th of March. It involved civil servants, technical and political representatives from the Network nine cities in addition to URBACT network representatives and several local and international actors and stakeholders.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Nantes: turning high level strategy into concrete, measurable actions

    The project team from Nantes (FR) wanted to turn a high level strategy into something concrete and measurable. Building collaboration and trust with stakeholders (including families) was key to their approach and success.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Ghent: implementing action plans

    Ghent (BE), lead partner of Stay Tuned, created an overall plan to prevent early school leaving, and to create new perspectives for young people who leave school early anyway.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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    Take a break, sit down, grab a coffee (and a biscuit) and enjoy this video about the different services offered by Gijón Citizen Card.


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  • Transnational Meeting in Caen

    The City of Caen, in the French region of Normandy, was the setting for the Network’s Transnational Meeting that took place on 2-3 April 2019. Partners and stakeholders from each network city participated in the two-day workshop, which was held at Le Pavillon. This location is considered a place dedicated to the understanding of architecture and city-planning in general, and more especially of the Caen Peninsula redevelopment project. It is also the headquarters of the Caen ULG meetings.

    Patricia Hernandez

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