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  • Cities, energy and children: the future of our planet!

    Urb-En Pact (urban energy pact) is an URBACT network that gathers 8 european cities with the same objective : becoming a net-zero energy territory by 2050. The method used to do so is simple : increasing the production of “green” and local energy while decreasing our energy consumption. Easier said than done but the common determination of all the partners and our skateholders is a key factor of success.  

    Cities are in the driving seat to tackle the climate change. It is about the future of our planet and of all those who will inhabit it. 

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • The events in Tartu County are growing greener

    Several events in Southern Estonia participated in the pilot program of the Green Festival in the spring and summer in 2021. The aim of the program is to provide support activities for event organizers to help them organize their events in a more environmentally friendly way and to create a green plan. Now than most of the activities of the Green Festival pilot program have been completed, it can be said that any type of events can be organized in a more sustainable and greener way, regardless of the location or the purpose of the event.

    Vera Lopes

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  • #Budaörs4CSR: public-private cooperation for a greener city

    Budaörs is a town located in Hungary and one of CITIES4CSR partner city.

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Reducing air pollution with the use of greenery - a general overview (video)

    Our lead expert, Tamás Kállay gave us a general introduction at the Health & Greenspace Academy

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Foresting industrial areas in Ostrava to capture air pollutants (video)

    Katerina Bonito (Project Manager, CLAIRO) was our guest at the Health & Greenspace Academy.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • The role of the wedge-and-ring greenery system in air quality in Poznan (video)

    Elżbieta Raszeja (University of Arts-Faculty of Architecture and Design) and Anna Gałecka-Drozda (Poznań University of Life Sciences) were our guests at the Health & Greenspace Academy

    Viktoria Soos

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