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  • Card4future: EU funding opportunities for taking city cards to the next level

    CARD4ALL is a Transfer network of the URBACT programme focused on the implementation of innovative services and technologies through a Citizen Card System. Building on the city card experience of the city of Gijón, it has gathered five more cities – Aveiro, Clermont-Ferrand, Jurmala, Sassari and Suceava – in an initiative that between 2018 and May this year has promoted the sharing and mutual learning of city officers on how to exploit this tool for improving urban life.


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  • Udine's Transfer Story - How Udine improved the Playful Paradigm and addressed COVID-19 challenges

    An article written by Bruno Grizzaffi, Project Coordinator; Raffella Lioce, Project Coordinator and Stefania Pascut, Good Practice Expert


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  • Everyone can learn how to play! | by Katowice · Transfer Stories

    How to transfer what the URBACT OnStage project has meant for the city of Katowice? Here is the Transfer Story developed by this Polish city of 292.000 inhabitants.


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  • Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story

    Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story consists of a Best Practice reflection and an interview with the leader of the Aarhus Music School, Lars-Ole Vestergaard, and a visual journey narrated from the perspective of the URBACT local group coordinator of Aarhus, Gunnild De Ridder.


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  • Mapping the Transfer Journey

    A retrospective and scenario exercise for the Civic eState network

    Words by Liat Rogel, URBACT Expert

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • OnStage... to leave no one behind! | by Adelfia · Transfer Stories

    How has Adelfia's URBACT OnStage transfer journey touched the city's different stakeholders? Here is a video that summarizes what the project has meant for this southern Italian city of 17,000 inhabitants.


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