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  • Naples’ Urban Civic Communities

    By Nicola Masella

    Conferring a greater social value to the historical municipal assets by promoting open and inclusive management schemes

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • BLUACT: Why the Blue Economy is an increasing sea of opportunity

    A report by Darinka Czischke, Conor Moloney and Catalina Turcu

    Jim Sims

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  • INT-HERIT Road towards an Operational Implementation Plan

    A compendium of two videos released in the past weeks about the last transnational meetings by INT-HERIT.

    Antonio Zafra

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    By Sebastià Riutort (Barcelona, Lead Partner of the URBinclusion network). Integrated approach is one of the URBACT challenges of Implementation Networks (IN). The Guidelines that deal with this issue suggest some tools or methodologies that have the intention to get IN-members think about integration. Within the ULG of Barcelona we discussed about the synergies and interactions of the 7 actions which are part of the Implementation Plan.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Social media to strengthen local commerce: The case of the Semaest in Paris

    Foram aprovadas, pelo Comité de Monitorização URBACT, 23 Redes de Planeamento de Ação, as quais envolvem 26 países e 203 parceiros. A decisão teve lugar no dia 25 de junho de 2019, na reunião realizada em Alba Iulia. Com a aprovação destas redes, concluem-se os procedimentos concursais no âmbito do URBACT III.

    Daniela Patti

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  • Every single house is interesting!

    There is a little square two-minutes from your flat. You have seen it many times on your daily route. You perhaps even recognised that it is somehow unique. Nothing special, no outstanding architectural value, but lovely and always full of life. And would be great to explore once.

    A week-end of Open Houses initiated in Budapest (HU) (budapest100.hu)

    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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