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  • “O URBACT e a França, uma história de inspiração mútua”: Conheça o responsável da Autoridade de Gestão do URBACT.

    François-Antoine Mariani é o Diretor-Geral Delegado dos Assuntos Urbanos na Agência Nacional da Coesão Territorial francesa.

    Maria João Matos

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  • The City of Tampere Among the 100 European Climate-neutral and Smart Cities

    The European Commission announced today the cities selected to the group of 100 Climate-neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 – the city of Tampere is among them. Tampere is part of the URBACT Urb-En Pact network.

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • Our newsletter dedicated to World Bee Day and Education is here

    Today is World Bee Day, the perfect date to showcase all the news we have to share with you. Our partner cities have used this opportunity to educate people about bees on the single most important day for pollinators and all people who strive to make the world we share better for both. This year's World Bee Day celebration is aimed at youth and what better way to honour the theme than with educational events for youth who will in turn teach us a thing or two. We are definitely following the motto of “Bee Engaged: Celebrating the diversity of bees and beekeeping systems” and hope that you will join us as well.


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  • Missa inte konferensen "The gendered landscape of European cities"

    Ta del av spännande reultat från URBACT på konferensen "The gendered landscape of European cities" 9–10 juni i Umeå, Det är en internationell konferens som utforskar aktuell forskning och praktik kring jämställdhet i europeiska städer. Välkommen att delta!

    Sara Palo

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  • Ready for URBACT City Festival in June 2022? Six highlights to look out for

    This is THE event for EU cities! Whether you’ll be traveling to Paris, or following online, here are our top programme picks…

    Amy Labarrière

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  • Eiropas Komisija izsludināja Jaunu Eiropas Bauhaus aicinājumu vietējām iniciatīvām

    Jaunais Eiropas Bauhaus padara Eiropas zaļo kursu par kultūras, uz cilvēku vērstu, pozitīvu un taustāmu pieredzi ikvienam, veicinot mūsu pilsētu pārveidi un pielāgošanos visā Eiropā, izmantojot skaistas, ilgtspējīgas un iekļaujošas vietas.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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