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  • URBACT lanceert succesvolle e-University over uitvoering en financiering van stadsactieplannen

    De URBACT e-University, met een focus op implementatie en financiering van actieplannen, bracht van 1 tot 3 februari 2022 meer dan 500 leiders van stedelijke projecten uit 40 landen bijeen. Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT-programmadeskundige en moderator van de e-University, laat zien hoe URBACT's nieuwste capaciteitsopbouwevenement een aanzet is voor lokale plannen voor betere steden om  werkelijkheid te worden.

    Fabian Massart

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  • URBACT organise avec succès une e-Université sur la mise en œuvre et le financement de plans d'action des villes

    L'e-Université URBACT, centrée sur la mise en œuvre et les ressources, a rassemblé plus de 500 chefs de projets urbains de 40 pays du 1er au 3 février 2022. Sally Kneeshaw, Experte du programme URBACT et modératrice de l'e-Université, montre comment le dernier événement de renforcement des aptitudes d'URBACT aidera à la mise en application des plans locaux.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Ya están disponibles los vídeos de la URBACT e-University 2022

    Del 1 al 3 de febrero se celebró la edición 2022 de la e-University de URBACT. Ya están disponibles todos los materiales y recursos online. 

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • "Foody zero waste" a new Hub in the Milan general market

    “Foody Zero Waste” is a new initiative for the recovery of fresh fruits and vegetables in surplus at the general wholesale market in Milan promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, Municipality of Milan and Sogemi.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Communities of practice and stakeholder's involvement in the Urbact project

    The sharing of knowledge and experiences among different actors that take part to a food system is very important in order to improve actions. This is particularly true in the process of defining a Food Policy at urban level but also in the implementation of new actions. What type of tools can be used in order to build a shared vision on specific issues?


    Cristina Sossan

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  • NextAgri "groundshaking effect" and city responses

    NextAgri’s project is a good example of the ground shaking magnitude caused by the UIA OpenAgri project. The 3 transfer partners are medium-sized cities from different climate type ecoregion and with different approaches to land use for agriculture. The development level of innovation and experimentation varies across the different cities. The Transferability Study reveals that NextAgri is a unique opportunity to explore new functionalities, as well as to review and improve their current functionalities considering different needs and contexts.

    Cristina Sossan

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