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  • Mesta mestom: Sožitje na grajskem vrtu

    Prenova grajskega vrta in vključevanje ranljivih skupin


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  • Lifestyle, Sports, and Healthy Cities with Mélanie Duparc

    The Healthy Cities Network aims to deepen the relationship between health and the urban environment, following a holistic approach by focusing on three overarching topics: greening and landscaping, mobility and connectivity, and lifestyle and sports.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • Co-creating a Healthy Vic at Puig dels Jueus

    As an Action Planning Network aiming to improve health outcomes for city residents, Healthy Cities is committed to engaging citizens in our work. Each of our partner cities is reaching out to their communities through pilot activities – or Small-Scale Actions, as named in URBACT projects – in efforts to co-create a healthier city together.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • Co-creating a Healthy Vic at Puig dels Jueus

    As an Action Planning Network aiming to improve health outcomes for city residents, Healthy Cities is committed to engaging citizens in our work. Each of our partner cities is reaching out to their communities through pilot activities – or Small-Scale Actions, as named in URBACT projects – in efforts to co-create a healthier city together.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • "Inspiring other cities to take action": URBACT city Clermont-Ferrand at COP26

    Clermont-Ferrand brings an important message to COP26: cities of all sizes have a central role to play in tackling climate change.

    Amy Labarrière

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  • URBACT mesta združujejo moči v prizadevanjih za globalno trajnost

    Novo URBACT omrežje želi prevzeti vodilno vlogo pri uresničevanju ciljev trajnostnega razvoja ZN v mestih. Preberite več o tem, zakaj je to pomembno.


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