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  • The power of short food supply chains: shortening distances to reduce uncertainty

    On the occasion of the Transnational Meeting of 25 June, the Union of Bassa Romagna Municipalities presented the first Digital Study Visit focused on the thematic priority "short food supply chains” to the project partners. The study visit involved Campagna Amica, a reference point for Italian agriculture and represented an opportunity to tell a virtuous example of food sustainability in Bassa Romagna to the Food Corridors network.

    Vera Lopes

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  • Thematic Workshop on Attractiveness - Re-imagining the heritage city: from local identity to destination marketing

    The third event in our series of thematic workshops which took place on 29 and 30 June 2021 was dedicated to the theme of “attractiveness”, one of the five pillars of the KAIRÓS project.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Interview s projektovým manažérom Dávidom Cintulom o zapojení mesta Kežmarok do projektu IoTxChange

    Hlavným cieľom siete pre akčné plánovanie „IoTxChange“ je vzájomná výmena skúseností v oblasti digitalizácie založenej na riešeniach IoT – internetu vecí. Každý partner bude preverovať, či a ako by bolo možné vyskúšať riešenia, ktoré boli úspešne aplikované v iných mestách. V tejto súvislosti sa sieť pre akčné plánovanie „IoTxChange“ venuje zlepšeniu súčasného stavu moderných riešení založených na IoT – internete vecí aj v meste Kežmarok s cieľom skvalitniť a uľahčiť život občanom a návštevníkom mesta.

    Matus Zak

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  • URBACT in libreria, Donzelli pubblica “Le città sono la soluzione” dedicato alle storie delle città italiane del programma

    Un viaggio nell’Italia delle grandi, medie e piccole città che, in una dimensione di rete sviluppata a livello europeo, con altre città e realtà urbane, sono riuscite a sviluppare interventi capaci di migliorare la qualità della vita degli abitanti.


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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#2 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The second KAIRÓS warm-up webinar showed the potential and role of community involvement in heritage-based urban regeneration and how this is connected to urban resilience and sustainability.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#1 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The online meeting showed common challenges and potential of cultural heritage for urban development and regeneration.

    Dorothee Fischer

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