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    Based on the experience developed over the past ten years in Lisbon, the Bip/Zip program is currently at the basis of the URBACT Transfer Network Com.Unity.Labwhich aims at sharing the knowledge with other cities across Europe. In this article the different tools of the strategy are outlined. 

    Daniela Patti

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  • What do experts have to say about Education 360º and 21st century trends?

    At ON BOARD Transnational meeting 6, we had the chance to share the fascinating vision of experts on some topics related to the connection between innovation and education. The specialists gave us some keys to 360 education, open education resources, innovation and digitalisation.


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  • Financiamento de Bens Comuns Urbanos. Parte I

    Como podem os bens comuns urbanos ser financiados? A equipa Civic eState explora o impacto social do financiamento e do investimento financeiro com a Eutropian, o Banco Europeu de Investimento e a Fundação Trias

    Ana Resende

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  • Transfer Story: Łódź - Birmingham - Toulouse - three paths of mediation

    "To release the potential of the center of Łódź and its Inhabitants" is the slogan which defines the direction of the Łódź revitalization, the biggest regeneration project in Poland. But how to do it when the level of reluctance to city institutions is high, and often the first thing one associates with the City Office is a letter written in incomprehensible language? How to regain the trust lost through the years of miscommunication and start cooperating to give the residents a chance to change their lives for the better? There is only one answer: a mediator.

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  • Walk on a Bee Path and learn a city Bee Story

    Spring is in the air and for sure you’ve noticed bees on your balcony, in your garden, in parks. If there are just a few of them, then your need to think how to make your neighbourhood more bee friendly. With this we also mean a cleaner and nicer place to live for all city inhabitants – people as well. Learn how to do it at the end of this article, but to get started, we invite you to take a walk on the six bee paths of the cities of Amarante, Bydgoszcz, Cesena, Hegyvidek, Nea Propontida and Ljubljana. Walking them physically or virtually (following restrictions related to COVID) you will feel the clean nature, learn a thing or two about biodiversity, apitourism and innovative bee products etc. For additional inspiration join our celebrations of the World Bee Day (20th of May).


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  • Case study Prato: Circular reuse of industrial heritage

    In this third case study delivered by the URGE network, the city of Prato, shares their experiences with the circular reuse of industiral heritage at urban regeneration area 'Macrolotto 0'. 

    City of Utrecht

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