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  • Youth Information Center -Racó Jove – a key space of involvement of young people in Santa Pola (ES)

    The Youth Information Center Racó Jove as such, and with this name, was born in 2020, although it comes from a long tradition that started in 1990 with the creation of the Youth Information Center. It has evolved and developed more and more activities until it became the Racó of today. In this way, one of the key moments has been the inauguration of the Santa Pola Civic and Social Center in 2000, which incorporated the activities of the Youth Information Center and represented a great change to expand its services, activities and spaces for young people. Interview with Antonio López Lafuente - coordinator of the Racó Jove of Santa Pola provides some insights about the work of the youth center.


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  • България и новият прозорец за инвестиции

    Прехвърлянето на производства от Китай към Европа е шанс за страната да привлече инвеститори, но трябва по-добра среда

    от Иглика Филипова



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  • Cities4CSR Virtual Kick-Off Meeting: let's start!

    CITIES4CSR Action Planning Network had its Phase2 kick-off meeting on the 25 and 26 June 2020 and it was conducted online, due to the ongoing restrictions of the Covid-19 emergency. 

    It was a significant meeting for all partner cities to highlight the main steps and outputs of the path carried out so far on Corporate Social Responsibility theme and on its relevance for municipal governments. Moreover, it was the occasion to mark the project’s main activities of Phase 2 and to share and discuss the local situation of each partner dealing with the economic, health and social crises caused by the pandemic. 

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Spoločenská zodpovednosť inštitúcií, organizácií a spoločností vďaka projektu "Cities4CSR" v Hlavnom meste Slovenskej republiky - Bratislave

    Sieť pre akčné plánovanie „Cities4CSR – Cities for Corporate Social Responsibility“ vznikla vďaka podpore operačného programu URBACT III v programovom období 2014 – 2020. Projekt vychádza z predpokladu, že spoločenská zodpovednosť firiem ponúka množstvo príležitostí pre mestá v oblasti zlepšenia stratégií, miestnych plánov, využitia hodnoty partnerstiev so súkromným sektorom a s príslušnými zainteresovanými stranami na miestnej úrovni.

    Matus Zak

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  • 10 tips for using social and environmental criteria in procurement

    As part of the Making Spend Matter Transfer Network, partners have been exploring how they might incorporate social and environmental criteria into their procurements. This has become even more important as cities start to re-open their economies and support businesses and people as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.

    Alison Taylor

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  • Le Covid change-t-il la donne pour la nouvelle Charte de Leipzig ?

    L'expert Eddy Adams s'interroge sur les derniers développements et impacts du Covid-19 sur la nouvelle Charte de Leipzig.

    La Charte de Leipzig renouvelée était déjà en préparation bien avant la pandémie de Covid-19. Les expériences récentes ont-elles forcé la présidence allemande de l'UE à repenser toute sa vision de l'avenir du développement urbain ? Ou bien le Covid-19 n'a-t-il fait que renforcer la nécessité des principes énoncés dans le projet de document ? Nous en avons parlé avec Jonas Scholze, directeur général de l'Association allemande pour le logement et le développement urbain et spatial.

    Fabian Massart

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