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  • Community-led housing – a key ingredient of urban housing policy

    An article written by URBACT's experts Laura Colini and Levente Polyak

    Levente Polyak

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  • Covid-19: the social and community response of the Santa Pola association network

    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a strong blow to world economic activity, particularly in Spain, one of the most affected countries by the virus that just a few years ago, has begun to recover from a long economic crisis. But beyond the economic impact derived from the contractions in demand and consumption, the strong restrictions on mobility have also had very significant consequences at the social and community level.


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  • A convergence of actions taking place in Siracusa against Covid-19

    The city of Siracusa, as many others in Italy, in Europe and actually in the entire world, is reacting to Covid-19 in many ways and with many resources: municipality, national and local public bodies, civil society and, of course, NGOs are doing their best.


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  • How to accelerate cities’ transition to the circular economy

    Cities can be pioneers in the path towards the circular economy through the creation and demonstration of new business models.

    Eleni FELEKI

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  • URBACT and the UK cities

    A message about URBACT beneficiaries and experts from the UK.


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  • Communities and NGOs respond to COVID-19 – acts of kindness, agile responses and the rejuvenation of civic society

    In Brighton and Hove (UK) NGOs, established community organisations and local residents have quickly responded to those most in need. Meanwhile a new dynamism within civic society has emerged with new active participants - previously absent from traditional community engagement – are playing a key role in combating the worst effects of COVID-19. 


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