The 6th Transnational and Final Network Meeting of Playful Paradigm II

Edited on 31/03/2023



From 23 to 25 November 2022 the Municipality of Udine, lead partner, hosted the 6th Transnational and Final Network Meeting (TNM) of the Urbact project so called Playful Paradigm II, hosting the delegations of all the countries involved plus different experts to talk about the work done and future opportunities.



Playful Final Meeting

The meeting focused on the transfer journey the Network has done at local level and at network level. It has been an occasion of reflection on the project experience and an opportunity for thinking about future experiences. Several experts have been involved in the work to broaden the opportunities for knowledge and the comparison between different experiences. The Ad Hoc Expert AnaMaria Vabrie provided a lecture on “Tourism friendly city and play” and facilitated a laboratory for partners on “An active Play Learning”. The Ad Hoc Expert Raffaella Lioce guided an evaluation on WP3 experience and presented to all the partners the funding opportunities with the 2021-2027, focusing on the Urbact IV opportunities. Some visits to the ULG stakeholders was the occasione to better explore some activities already started in Udine, which can be exported to one's own communities.

A special meeting was organized to present the Playful Paradigm II experience to the citizens of Udine. Here, in addition to talking about the different aspects of the project and how it intends to use it for future urban regeneration choices, the initiatives of the various partners from Spain, Slovenia, Latvia and Portugal were presented. Other speeches were given by Rosa Lopez, Department of Urban Ecology Metropolitan City of Barcelona and Emma Cortès Institute of Childhood and Adolescence Metropolitan City of Barcelona, who spoke about “From the experience of the Super Blocks of Barcelona to a City Plan for the Game”. Raphaella Thiollier, Metropolitan City of Paris, who gave a speech on School courtyards as an “oasis” of adaptation to climate change and finally Jose Ramhaleiro from Portugal who spoked about play and music.

The Playful Paradigme II final party was an opportunity for the partners to strengthen their relationships in order to then be able to continue them beyond the project and lay the foundations for future collaborations.

Submitted by on 31/03/2023