One of its first steps has been to open a public workspace for all those women organization call Espai Lidera. Espai Lidera is a space created and designed for all those women's organizations in Barcelona that work for equal opportunities in entrepreneurship and the business sector. It is located on the first floor of the Almogavers Incubator, at 165 Almogavers Street, in the heart of the business district, 22@.
The main objective is to provide a meeting and workspace for all those non-profit women entities that seek to promote female talent and female entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the city, empowering and strengthening the existing network of entrepreneurship women in the city.
The space was opened on International Women's Day the 8th of March of 2022 with four entities hosted and is increasing its members through an open call https://emprenedoria.barcelonactiva.cat/en/espai-lidera