Local development for the inclusion of disadvantaged girls in Mátészalka Hungary

Edited on 08/11/2024

In the autumn of 2024, the Szabolcs 05 Regional Development Association of Municipalities reached another milestone in the FEMACT-Cities project, supported by the URBACT IV Programme, which aims to improve the quality of life, equal opportunities and empowerment of women. The aim of the Szabolcs 05 Association is to help disadvantaged girls and women to catch up, with a special focus on education, social and community support. The initiatives implemented under the project are specifically aimed at improving the situation of disadvantaged girls, especially Roma girls, thus contributing to the reduction of social inequalities.


A key event of the project is the focus group interview with teachers onthe 18th of October. The aim of the interview was to gather experiences and suggestions from teachers on the education, attendance and inclusion of disadvantaged girls in schools, as well as on compensatory programmes. At the Képes Géza Primary School, 1/3 of the pupils are disadvantaged, which is a major challenge for the professionals of the educational institution. Teachers try to help these students to improve their academic performance through creative and diverse methods, such as small group sessions where lower-achieving students can receive individual attention to improve their concentration and academic performance.


The next important event of the project, on the 25th of October, was a workshop in a local community centre, where disadvantaged girls could express their problems at school, in the community or even at home. Feedback from the girls showed that family ties and community support play a very important role in their lives. The strength of the community and family background not only influences their current living conditions, but also determines their future opportunities.


These events not only help disadvantaged girls' performance at school, but also their future integration into society and the labour market. In the next phase of the FEMACT-Cities project, Szabolcs 05 Association together with the ULG memberswill produce the Integrated Action Plan aimed at providing long-term sustainable solutions to help young girls succeed in adulthood and contribute to reducing social inequalities. The results achieved so far, and the commitment of the participants are encouraging signs that the objectives of the project are feasible and can bring significant benefits to the local community.


Project duration: 01.06.2023 - 31.12.2025 

Project budget: € 846 896 (EU contribution: € 623 776)

Submitted by on 08/11/2024