Making Spend Matter Toolkit - Step 3: Behind the scenes of Public Procurement

Edited on 23/02/2021

Do you know what goes on behind the scenes of the city where you live?

Step 3 to the Making Spend Matter Toolkit: Behind the scenes of public procurement. 

Watch this short video to discover behind the scenes of public procurement in most cities and how public organisations can collectively use the power of public procurement to support the wellbeing of their communities, the resilience of the economy and the sustainability of the environment.

Video by Digital Finch

The video is also available with subtitles in Basque, Flemish, French, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish on the Making Spend Matter Youtube Channel

The Making Spend Matter Toolkit

Making Spend Matter is a Network of 7 European cities harnessing public procurement as a strategic driver to address social, economic and environmental challenges.

Over the past 2 years, our Partners in Preston (United Kingdom), Bistrița (Romania), Kavala (Greece), Koszalin (Poland), Pamplona (Spain), Schaerbeek (Belgium) and Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal) have worked in collaboration to change procurement practices and behaviours, exchanging, testing and adapting practices to enhance the sustainable impact of their public spend and help build stronger communities.

We are capturing the tools, guidance, lessons learned and recommendations from the Network into a ‘Making Spend Matter’ Toolkit to enable other public organisations and cities to start their own strategic procurement journey.

The Toolkit will be structured into 4 steps to ‘Making Spend Matter’ from understanding the strategic importance of public procurement to analysing procurement spend and its impact, progressing practices and implementing change.

How is your city using procurement to make public spend matter?

Join the movement and share your story at #MakingSpendMatter to raise awareness of the strategic role public procurement can play in shaping a better future!

Interested in finding out more?

Then join us for the Making Spend Matter Final Conference. You will have the unique opportunity to exchange with our Partner Cities and Network Experts, learn from their approach to strategic procurement and find out more about the ‘Making Spend Matter’ toolkit to take the next step in your procurement journey.

Book your place today. 

Submitted by Alison Taylor on 23/02/2021
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Alison Taylor

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