More Freight TAILS Focus....

Edited on 30/03/2018

The Freight TAILS network is pleased to publish the final three 'Focus on...' reports summarising the views and experiences of our 10 partner cities on our themes of Urban Freight Transport and Regulation & Enforcement, Voluntary Behaviour Change, and Procurement.

‘Freight TAILS Focus on …’is a series of interim reports, sharing the experiences of these 10 European cities in urban freight transport (UFT) organised around six key themes.  The six themes are:
1. Stakeholders
2. Data
3. Integration
4. Regulation & Enforcement
5. Voluntary Behaviour Change
6. Procurement

Each report is structured around the a series of questions exploring the themes in detail; ending with some recommendations and a step by step process designed to help others consider Urban Freight Transport and each theme.

These reports relay the practical experiences of the Freight TAILS partner cities, who are seeking to develop ‘integrated’ action plans focused on reducing the impacts of freight transport in their cities.

For more information please contact Charlotte Knell.


Submitted by charlotteknell on 30/03/2018
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