With the support of the program experts Ivana Bachovich and arch. Ljubo Georgiev, the representatives from the municipalities specified the follow-up actions and investments resulting from the action plans, the testing actions, the difficulties in mobilizing the local communities.
The so-called "Climate Fresco" was played by the participants, building on knowledge about global climate changes, its effects and how to deal with it in an accessible way.
With the active involvement of leading experts from the Fund for the bodies of local self-government in Bulgaria - FLAG, the Regional Fund for Urban Development, the National Authority for URBACT in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, the participants debated the realistic options for attracting financial support for the implementation of the action plans.
There was a general opinion about the usefulness of participating in knowledge sharing networks, about the innovative pilot measures implemented by the municipalities, about the need for their "scaling" and distribution.