The penultimate Case Study Meeting

Edited on 20/02/2019

URBANITAS project This report contains a summary of the various conferences held as part of the Urbanitas URBACT I project, which ran from May 2005 to March 2007. This report ends with the conclusions and recommendations produced by the practical experience from over two years of European cooperation.

At the beginning of February the Creative Spirits network met for the project’s penultimate meeting, hosted by Maribor. Whilst there, participants learnt about Maribor’s progress with the implementation of several of its actions, including its bench project and its CCI mapping activities. They also attended workshops on funding innovation and on various project outputs, including solution stories, video cases, and the Operational Implementation Frameworks. They agreed to meet for their final meeting at the end of May in Újbuda.

Submitted by Artur Katai on 20/02/2019
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Artur Katai

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