Retail Therapy - St.Quentin

Edited on 22/04/2021

Helping local shops owners to go digital in saint Quentin

Retail Therapy

Helping local shop owners to go digital in Saint Quentin.

Big compagnies are all investing in the cross-channel transition. Even pure digital players, like Amazon, are now developing physical shops (57% of French e-shops now sell in physical shops too).

Small shops seem to have more difficulties jumping on the bandwagon and only a small proportion of them have really embraced the digital evolution.

Lack of time, disinterest, no digital skills…the issues are numerous and solutions are still to be found.

In 2020, 57% of shops owners said that the main issue to their shop’s digitalisation is lack of time (46% cited cost, 36% the complexity and 32% lack of skills). Covid has shown that being able to sell online or to organise “click and collect” through a digital solution can be a business lifesaver. But only 30% of French small companies employed digital tools to weather the lockdown.

Saint Quentin, a French middle-sized city located at a European crossroad (2h from Brussels, 1h30 from Paris) is doing its part by launching an ambitious programme dedicated to supporting local small retail owners.

A key part of this is “Le Commerce Lab” - a physical shop in the city centre, focused on digital solutions for shops in the city, providing virtual marketplaces and offering many workshops on digitalisation. The shop owners are guided through the process of digitalisation and made aware to the concept of “phygital” - the link between physical shop and digital retail.

Several municipality agents are going to be dedicated to bringing personalised guidance to understand digital usefulness to shops. During last lockdown The Commerce Lab manage to organize a digital event instead of a physical one. Organising the “Salon du Vin” (Vine Event) was a huge challenge for the Commerce Lab team. For that grand premiere “Salon du Vin” digital event didn’t gather as much people as the physical event but it creates an interesting momentum around digital development.

After WWI Saint Quentin had to rebuild its city from ruins; in the late 70s it had to rebuild its economy as its big industrial companies left for good. The city has always had to create its own future.

In the latest incarnation, Saint Quentin is leading the local shops along a new path to digitisation.


Author: Nicolas Gibbe, Project Manager, Saint Quentin 

Submitted by Josephine Di Pino on 22/04/2021
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Josephine Di Pino

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