The Third TNM of Playful Paradigm in Klaipėda

Edited on 28/10/2019

An article by Laura Kubiliutė, Head of public health monitoring and projects department, Klaipeda City Public Health Bureau about the third Transnational Meeting in Klaipėda

The third transnational project’s "The Playful Paradigm" meeting was organized by Klaipėda City Public Health Bureau on 1-2 October.

The Mayor of Klaipėda Vytautas Grubliauskas started the international meeting with a welcome speech. After an inspiring welcome, Clémentine Gravier from URBACT Programme Secretariat, and Ileana Toscano, Project Expert, invited participants to the mid-term review session.

On the first day of the meeting, the meeting participants visited the Educational Space of Klaipėda County I. Simonaitytė Public Library, where librarian Viktorija Žilinskaitė introduced a wide range of provided services for people of all ages. Klaipėda City Public Health Bureau in cooperation with the Educational Space organizes playful afternoons for youth and elderly in order to strengthen the links between generations, tackle the problem of loneliness and foster social inclusion. The project partners also visited Children's Literature Department of Klaipėda County I. Simonaitytė Public Library and learned about games prepared by librarians: „Žaliapėdis“ (English – The Green Foot) and „Knygosūkis“ ( English – The Book Swing).


Educational Space I. Simonaitytė Public Library Klaipeda




Children Literature Department I. Simonaitytė Public Library Klaipeda



On the second day of the meeting, the participants visited Sendvaris Progymnasium (680 schoolchildren, from 1st to 8th grade), which belongs to National Network of Health Promoting Schools and actively participates in different projects. Physical active children is one of the main goal. Many playful physical activity elements are done at this school: morning exercise, active breaks, exercise with toys for young children, dancing, Active school week with many events is organised. The school has table football and sports machines in the corridors. Playful active breaks help children to enjoy school more, have fun, relax and reach better learning results. Teachers uses GoNoodle videos with energetic music, where performers show the moves and children have to repeat them. Bernutė Juškienė, a public health specialist, showed her own created exercise with toys, an innovative approach for children to enjoy physical activity and move more.


Sendvaris Progymnasium Klaipeda

Submitted by CREAA on 28/10/2019