TNM Skofja Loka of the Breaking isolation network met on December 13 and 14, 2023

Edited on 27/05/2024

December 13th and 14th marked the holding of the 2nd Transnational Meeting (TNM) of the Breaking Isolation network of the Urbact program in Škofja Loka, Slovenia, bringing together the nine delegations from participating European cities. See more : 


The lead partner and the expert of the "Breaking Isolation" network, Christophe Gouache, had the opportunity to present the results of the study visits, to address the network's communication plan, and the action plan summarizing all the planned steps over two years.


Local studies have highlighted the good practices of network cities in struggling social isolation. They have also helped to consolidate the formation of local ULG groups, responsible for implementing the Integrated Action Plan (PAI) at the local level.





This meeting also provided the opportunity to collect 100 authentic stories reflecting the issues related to social isolation in each of the ten network cities.

Other more concrete topics were discussed, particularly regarding administrative and budgetary aspects through the SYNERGY platform, the use of Basecamp, and the organization of TNMs.

The TNM also represents an opportunity for all network members to create cohesion around a common issue and to immerse themselves in the culture of each country. Slovenia allowed us to discover its own good practices in struggling isolation, notably through the visit to the youth center.



Submitted by on 26/12/2023
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Barbara Gautherie

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