A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 

Edited on 18/03/2025

TNM 6 in Brussels

First Steps in Selecting Experiments Following the Ideation Phase  The 5th Transnational Meeting (TNM) was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024. 

A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 


Although Brussels is not part of the URBACT network cities, we chose to hold this TNM in this city as a symbol of European unity. 

This TNM, organized by Christophe Gouache and his colleague Cathelle Dénoue, in collaboration with the City of Agen (the network’s Lead Partner), provided a comprehensive review of achievements at the program’s midpoint while emphasizing the next steps ahead. 

Program partners also focused on best practices implemented in Brussels to combat social isolation. 


Innovative Practices in Brussels to Combat Social Isolation 


One of the most interesting practices presented during the meeting was the concept of “Neighborhood Houses.” These centers, supported by the community and run by volunteers, are located in various city neighborhoods. They play a vital role by offering a range of activities for people experiencing social isolation. These citizen-led initiatives foster social bonds and have become a cornerstone of local life in Brussels. 

Another remarkable initiative is the “Museum Prescription” project, an original program launched by the Brussels authorities. Through this initiative, doctors can prescribe cultural outings to the city’s museums for patients experiencing social isolation, as an alternative or complement to traditional medical treatment. This innovative approach demonstrates how culture can be a tool for well-being and social reintegration. 

The “Theater Outings” program also caught our attention. The city of Brussels provides two theater tickets per person to those in isolation, allowing them to access culture and strengthen social connections through the arts. 

Finally, participants discovered the “Boom Café,” a community café run by volunteers, offering a series of activities for isolated individuals and providing a friendly and inclusive space to connect. 


Review of the URBACT Program 


Diagnostics, study visits, baseline study, vision, and ideation—this meeting allowed us to take stock of the progress of the URBACT program phases. Additionally, partners completed a survey, called the mid-term review, to assess their progress at this stage and to engage with the “100 Stories of Social Isolation.” 


Outlook and Next Steps 


This meeting also highlighted the need to continue ideation sessions. Two or three more sessions will be necessary to finalize the best ideas to retain. These ideas will then be selected at the next transnational meeting scheduled to take place in Romania in December. 

At the beginning of 2025, the selected ideas will enter the pilot phase within European cities. These concrete actions will allow testing solutions in real-world conditions to combat social isolation in an innovative way adapted to local realities. 


A Meaningful Exploration of Brussels 


A big thank you to Christophe Gouache and Cathelle Dénoue, who enabled us to discover key European institutions, including the Parliament, the European Commission, and the hemicycle. This was a significant moment for network members, who were able to deepen their understanding of these institutions' workings. 




This Transnational Meeting in Brussels was a pivotal moment for the URBACT program. Not only did it allow for an assessment of the project’s various stages and achievements, but it also emphasized a strong European dimension by showcasing the role of European institutions. The rich exchanges among delegations from the ten partner cities of the URBACT network, most of whom were nearly fully represented, made this event a significant milestone for the Breaking Isolation project. 

Thanks to the diversity of perspectives and experiences shared, this meeting strengthened the spirit of European cooperation within the network and paved the way for the upcoming phases of the program. 

Submitted by on 29/11/2024
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Barbara Gautherie

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