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  • Profiles & competences for mediators

    Revitalization is a very complex and complicated process, which, contrary to the common stereotype, includes not only property and road renovations, but also working with the community living in a

  • Presentations & concrete cooperation schemes

    Our new outputs concentrate on the different ways of management used by the cities participating in Urban Regeneration Mix, with a special emphasis on efficiency, which is characteristic for the

  • Maps for multi-level and multi-sector resources

    The idea of this mapping comes from the need to be able to manage complex partnerships, which are part and parcel of regeneration processes.

  • Baena - regeneration life

    Baena is no stranger to the problems that affect many developed cities, such as the risk of social exclusion for many of its inhabitants, vandalism and the urban imbalance brought by the abandonment

  • Methodology for on-going diagnosis, impact measurement & management - theory of change

    Our Lead Expert's analysis of theory of change in the context of diagnosis, impact measurement and management constitutes the basis for many collective training sessions of the Remix transfer network

  • WORKING TOGETHER IN REGENERATION Standards of regeneration culture & information within the city

    The basic idea behind the culture of regeneration activities is that they must be carried out with the greatest possible involvement of residents and other stakeholders. The city should be open to the

  • Cultural regeneration of DAMSLab area in Bologna

    Culture as an engine for the growth of urban suburbs or areas with a low rate of opportunities and citizen involvement. This is the theme at the heart of the Urbact “Urban Regeneration Mix” project

  • Training programme & boundary conditions to enter employer/employee responsibilities

    All processes carried out by cities, both those related to revitalization and other measures against social exclusion and social cohesion should be preceded by appropriate preparation. Changes are

  • Check-list of specific standards & abilities concerning general knowledge about regeneration

    It's time for the first of our outpusts. At the beginning we share with you a list of standards and skills necessary when you start revitalizing.