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  • Articles

    Participation or Inclusion?

    According to planning guidelines the more participative urban planning is, the better the outcomes are. However, in reality the link between more/deeper participation of residents and more positive

  • Functional territories for better integrated governance: Towards spatially coordinated development in metropolitan and urban-rural area

    The growing territorial mismatch (between the administrative and the real-life boundaries of urban areas) and the conflicting relationship between urban and rural territories within the same areas

  • Post-Crisis Urban Planning: Innovative Local Solutions to Fight Environmental Degradation

    Due to the financial crisis the heavily indebted public actors are not able any more to launch large-scale programmes to handle difficult environmental problems. Thus they have to find new, innovative

  • Growing cities: How to Expand in a Sustainable and Integrated way?

    Population growth contributes in many cases also to increase in financial resources. Cities where population and economic growth go hand in hand can be consideredto be in a fortunate position. But how

  • Planning and urban sprawl

    Most planners and city politicians agree that urban sprawl endangers the sustainability of urban development. There is a clear conflict between the benefits of the few who get better life conditions