Derville Brennan

Edited on 02/04/2024

Derville Brennan

  • Ireland

  • English, English
Derville Brennan
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


I have over twenty-six years’ experience working in the European funding sphere and I am a skilled communicator and facilitator. Working as a freelance consultant since 2022, has afforded me the opportunity to work with the Managing Authority for the EU Just Transition Fund in Ireland. Initially I assisted them on the design of their programme and subsequently provided ongoing support in the development of the systems for the JTF programme. I am currently collaborating to support a public consultation on the future of EU Cohesion Policy post 2027 for the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform.

My EU funding experience extends from community tourism projects promoter, to National Contact Point for the Ireland Wales (IW) Interreg programme 2000-2006. Later I acted as Certifying Authority for the IW programme through to eventually, in my capacity as Assistant Director of Assembly, responsible for the delivery of the programme in Ireland as head of Programme Partner.

My Managing Authority experience began with the Southern Regional Assembly in 2002. I assumed responsibility for the financial management and monitoring of an EU  co-funded regional programme. With a background in communications and marketing, I was happy to take on the role of Communications Officer for the ERDF programme for two successive programme periods. Working within a small agile organisation exposed me to many opportunities for learning. I managing the external consultants for a number of programme evaluations. I was also privileged to represent the Member State on DG Regio’s Evaluation Network for seven years.

On completing a Masters degree in Government and Political Science in 2013, I assumed the role of policy and research officer. In this role I was a key member of the Assembly’s planning team drafting the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region in Ireland.  My work across the two pillars of the Assembly’s remit, afforded me on-going opportunities to use my skills in facilitation and participative practices. This role also served to deepen my experience of conducting public consultations both survey based and in-person forms. In 2018 I was promoted to Assistant Director with responsibility for the EU Programmes and Corporate Affairs Division of the Assembly.

Over my time with the Assembly, I supported three URBACT projects (OPEN City, CTUR & USE Act)  in our region, as Managing Authority liaison. I have extensive experience with European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. Managing the Interreg Europe Project officer’s unit, I mentored and supported the processes for several successful project partnerships.

Through my Interreg Europe experience within the Assembly’s team and through network engagement I honed my skills in the design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities. As a team we created numerous regional action plans, identified best practises and ultimately disseminating the learning in our region and through our partnerships.

To share a couple of examples, the learning from the Interreg Europe MATCH-UP project allowed us to focus our policy improvement on the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy – in particular the 10 Minute Town Concept. The framework and methodology were developed through an assessment  of 3 Key Towns in the Southern Region.  The pilot tested the use of this implementation tool. The framework and methodology were made available to assist all local authorities with fully integrating the “10 Minute Town Concept” into  Local Development Plans. The aim is to increase the use of sustainable transport and reduce carbon emissions in the Southern Region

Through the Interreg Europe funded COHES3ION project we collaborated with Bable Consultancy on the report ‘A Regional Approach to Smart Specialisation’. This report laid the foundation for the region’s approach to Smart Specialisation and recommended priority areas for the region to focus its efforts. This was a useful source document for our input to the consultation for Ireland’s renewed National Smart Specialisation Strategy for Innovation 2022 – 2027.

In 2018, I established the European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) Network of project partners within the Southern region. This peer-to-peer learning network continues to thrive with 200 members, who benefit and learn from each other’s projects and share experiences. The aim of the network is to provide support for the delivery of sustainable regional development to the benefit of the region.

In February 2022 I was appointed to the board of directors of  Pobal.