Weinek Leo

Edited on 10/06/2024

Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Participatory Governance
    > Digital Transformation
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation


Leo, also as a former mayor, has got a first hand experience in local, regional public management and development in a wide range of "smart city" domains. He managed to create an urban- and community management platform - mobile app; faircity.hu 

In recent years, he has originated and (co-)managed systemic local collaborative platforms that involve local stakeholders from all walks of life, enabling the development of local ecosystems from energy transition, mobility, social innovations to participative governance. 

He has co-created and delivered meaningful & tangible results in programs like public service digitalisation, horizontal networks & strategic partnerships, local innovation & development funds, co- and community (crowd) funding schemes, as well as EU-policies in energy efficiency & transition and functional design of the digitalisation of  public institution functions and services.

He made his mark in some URBACT-networks like CITIES4CSR, Agents of Co-existence, and in many other EU schemes, also as partner of tendermaster.hu 

Also, he has been invited as an expert to evaluate and scale up various smart city excellence projects, also outside Europe (from US to Vietnam), and to participate in relevant researches and publications as a research fellow.