The External Assessment Panel for this call shall be made by up to 8 members, who will be in charge of assessing, scoring and ranking all eligible applications against a set of assessment criteria approved by the URBACT Monitoring Committee and available to all applicants in the framework of the Call for Proposals.
Main tasks include:
- Kick off meeting with the Joint Secretariat to define the methodology for the assessment process, develop a shared understanding of the assessment criteria and define a detailed calendar for the delivery of the expected outputs – this meeting will take place in Paris on 28th March 2023.
- Assessment and scoring of eligible applications by individual members of the EAP. Each application shall be assessed by 2 different assessors, allowing for a cross-analysis and assessment of each proposal. The assessment will be done remotely and will result in the production, by each assessor, of an Individual Assessment Sheet including detailed comments/ recommendations – the independent work will be carried out between 10-19 April 2023.
- Consensus meeting with all members of the EAP and the Joint Secretariat to share the individual assessment and consolidate a final Network Assessment Sheet for all eligible applications – this meeting will take place on 20-21 April 2023 in Paris.
Applications consisting of a CV (in Europass format) and a cover letter should be sent via e-mail to the URBACT Secretariat to Adele Bucella, Head of Unit - Programming and Projects, at by 7 March 2023 at 15.00 CET