Apply to URBACT's External Assessment Panel

Edited on 10/04/2024

Action Planning Networks label COVER

Composed by different consultants and experts, the EAP will assess the project proposals for the next Action Planning Networks. 

The External Assessment Panel for this call shall be made by up to 8 members, who will be in charge of assessing, scoring and ranking all eligible applications against a set of assessment criteria approved by the URBACT Monitoring Committee and available to all applicants in the framework of the Call for Proposals.


Main tasks include:

  1. Kick off meeting with the Joint Secretariat to define the methodology for the assessment process, develop a shared understanding of the assessment criteria and define a detailed calendar for the delivery of the expected outputs – this meeting will take place in Paris on 28th March 2023.
  2. Assessment and scoring of eligible applications by individual members of the EAP. Each application shall be assessed by 2 different assessors, allowing for a cross-analysis and assessment of each proposal. The assessment will be done remotely and will result in the production, by each assessor, of an Individual Assessment Sheet including detailed comments/ recommendations – the independent work will be carried out between 10-19 April 2023.
  3. Consensus meeting with all members of the EAP and the Joint Secretariat to share the individual assessment and consolidate a final Network Assessment Sheet for all eligible applications – this meeting will take place on 20-21 April 2023 in Paris.






Applications consisting of a CV (in Europass format) and a cover letter should be sent via e-mail to the URBACT Secretariat to Adele Bucella, Head of Unit - Programming and Projects, at by 7 March 2023 at 15.00 CET

Submitted by URBACT on 27/01/2023