The Bee Path Cities network emerged from two URBACT networks (BeePathNet and BeePathNet Reloaded). These ran from 2018 to 2022 engaging a total of nine EU cities in seeking to understand, adapt and re-use the inspiring ‘Bee Path’ practice of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
The independent Bee Path Cities network was launched in October 2022 to continue the exchange and learning opportunities for cities beyond URBACT support. It is now open to all urban authorities in Europe and across the world.
Our vision
Bee Path Cities is a network of urban authorities that have come together under the shared vision of creating cities that are good for pollinators and therefore good for people.
We believe that there is much to be gained from exchange and learning between cities keen to take steps along the Bee Path towards more environmentally sustainable and healthy urban areas for all living beings.
Watch the videos and learn how you can join and why other cities decided to HERE.
News from Bee Path Cities
Read all about what is happening in the network
Learn – how, where and why your city should join the Bee Path Cities network
In October 2022 the Bee Path Cities network – a network of urban authorities that have come together under the shared vision of creating cities that are good for pollinators and therefore good for people was officially launched. Watch the videos and learn how you can join and why other cities decided to HERE. All the city stories are available with subtitles in English or the local language.
You can also search among ten urban stories and learn their approach to green the city; to become good for pollinators and good for people - watch the transfer stories of Amarante (Portugal), Bansko (Bulgaria), Bergamo & Cesena (both Italy), Bydgoszcz & Sosnowiec (both Poland), Hegyvidek (Budapest, Hungary), Nea Propontida (Greece) and Osijek (Croatia) were seeking to understand, adapt and re-use and upgrade the inspiring Ljubljana’s ‘Bee Path’ practice.
The Bee Path City network - from scratch to international award in a decade
The City of Ljubljana's initiative to ensure a favourable environment for the prosperity of the city's pollinators started in 2014. It did not stop with just a physical tourist path, but in a single decade it developed into a network of different stakeholders, developed educational programmes and a beekeeping related "think-tank"... Ljubljana transferred its knowledge to nine EU cities and learned from them. This transfer was possible thanks to the great support of the URBACT programme and its dedicated team. The development continued with the establishment of The Bee Path Cities - a network of city authorities with a vision to create cities that are good for pollinators and therefore good for people. To share the knowledge with other cities wishing to adopt this philosophy, partners developed a guide - The evolution steps towards a Bee-friendly city and later a pocket edition - Evolving into a Bee Path City. Find out more about this at
Like a cherry on a cake for the 10th anniversary, our knowledge transfer guidelines were given an award at the international 29th Gourmand Awards 2023 - Saudi Fest Food Festival. In a competition of over 1,000 nominees from more than 200 countries, we, all the partner cities who shared the knowledge in the guidelines, won the first prize in the sub-category Honey - free. Read more about it HERE.
This newspaper is being published a year after the BeePathNet Reloaded project financing finished! What is really breathtaking are all diverse and amazing activities that are taking place in all 10 partner cities and beyond. This newsletter is proof that each city established local working groups that took protection of environment as their personal mission and are continuing making their cities better places to live!
We wish you sweet moments with family and friends and happy holidays in the final weeks of the year. And then - let the swarming begin!
Maruška, Klemen, Vesna and all the Bee Friendly Cities teams

Online conference: Apitherapy for children 2024
Institute for the Development of Empathy and Creativity Eneja ( and the Croatian Apitherapy Society ( are organising the conference which will take place between the 24th and 25th of February 2024 via the Zoom platform. Visit the website of the conference HERE to learn about the call for papers and all essential information. The conference is being prepared in cooperation with doctors, pharmacists, apitherapists, educators, and beekeepers.
First regular online morning coffee of the Bee Path Cities network
The Bee Path Cities network first morning coffee took place on 15. 12. 2022 with the intention of giving potential new member cities basic information on Ljubljana’s urban beekeeping practice and experience on its transfer to 9 EU cities. We were joined by over 20 participants from several cities from Europe and even United States of Amerika; representing public administration institutions, education, research and other sectors. First Maruška Markovčič, Ljubljana BEE PATH Initiator and BeePathNet Reloaded Project Manager, from the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia, presented the transfer process and outlined the network operation.Next Vesna Erhart, network communication officer invited everybody to explore the network webpage that contains several tools for new cities to implement urban beekeeping and transform to a more environmentally sustainable one. In the final part several questions popped up in discussion such as proper relation between honey bees and pollinators, urban area conservation, the importance of education, cooperation possibilities etc. The next coffee will take place early in the new year.
Declarations from the founding Bee Path Cities

Bees and all pollinators are our friends and indispensable companions throughout life. Let’s make sure that we can all live together in a healthy and green environment!
Zoran Janković
Mayor of the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Watch Ljubljana’s story

Citizens and institutions ACT TOGETHER for a ’bee and pollinator’-friendly city.
Giorgio Gori
Mayor of Bergamo, Italy
Watch Bergamo’s story

We created a form of ALTERNATIVE TOURISM and a powerful educational tool about biodiversity, sustainability and nutritional adequacy provided by pollinators in cities.
Emmanouil Karras
Mayor of the Municipality of Nea Propontida, Greece

We develop ways to support beekeeping and the entire economy focused around BEE PRODUCTS, but also community awareness to the importance of bees and their products.
José Luís Gaspar
Mayor of the Municipality of Amarante, Portugal

Bydgoszcz is not only taking into account the aspirations of civilisation, but also the importance of a city as a safe place for WILD NATURE.
Rafał Bruski
Mayor of the City of Bydgoszcz, Poland

We all want to learn from Ljubljana and, of course, encourage Croatia to change the legal regulations regarding URBAN BEEKEEPING.
Vladimir Ham
president of Osijek City Council, Croatia
Watch Osijek’s story

It is not only a project which aims at the protection of bees, but also a transfer of KNOWLEDGE AND SOLUTIONS of the problems and challenges faced by beekeepers.
Ivan Kadev
Mayor of Bansko Municipality, Bulgaria
Watch Bansko’s story

A COLLECTIVE UNDERSTANDING of the meaning of “green and bee-friendly” has been built and will continue to be pursued.
Francesca Lucchi
Councillor for Environmental Sustainability of the City of Cesena, Italy
A green, friendly and SUSTAINABLE CITY with a strong system of parks and recreation facilities is our goal. The needs of the inhabitants are changing and so are our actions.
Arkadiusz Chęciński
Mayor of Sosnowiec, Poland
Watch Sosnowiec’s story
Hegyvidék is addressing global and local environmental challenges from a different angle, while we could also involve and cooperate with the RESIDENTSin this process.
Zoltán Pokorni
Mayor of Hegyvidék,
XII District of Budapest, Hungary
Our aims
- Knowledge transfer - sharing information, ideas and initiatives for enhancing urban sustainability.
- Joint action - finding opportunities to fund common activities (in the form of local actions, information sharing, awareness-raising) and strengthening our movement around the world.
- Awareness raising - increasing public understanding of the connections between pollinator well-being and broader urban sustainability.

Bee Path Cities members
The founder of this network is Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Cities that so-far transferred Ljubljana’s good practice are highlighted on the map. Founding members are: Amarante (Portugal), Bansko (Bulgaria), Bergamo & Cesena (both Italy), Bydgoszcz & Sosnowiec (both Poland), Hegyvidek (Budapest, Hungary), Nea Propontida (Greece) and Osijek (Croatia).
Map of Bee Path Cities members is available HERE
How to join
Interested to know more? Read the Bee Path Cities Philosophy or Guidelines for Cities on evolving into a Bee Path city.
Or why not join our next regular online coffee morning? Get in touch to hear about our next activities.
Does your city support the Bee Path Cities philosophy? If so, join us today!
There are no membership fees or formal standards to meet. Cities that would like to join our network can simply complete the statement of interest, which will then be reviewed by the Bee Path Cities management board. Cities will be informed of the following steps needed to confirm membership in the network.
Download and complete the contact data form and return it to
Tools and materials to evolve in to a Bee Path City:
- Learn about Bee Path Cities and how to join - films are available HERE (city films have subtitles in English or the local language)
- Evolving into a Bee Path City – short guidelines (EN, SI, BG, DE, EL, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, PL, PT)*
- The evolution steps toward a Bee-friendly city – full guidelines (EN)
- Bee Path Cities Philosophy (EN, SI, BG, EL, FR, HR, HU, IT, PL, PT)
- Thematic newsletter library in several languages
- BeePathNet Reloaded final book (EN, SI)
- Final conference and international network launch
- More info on BeePathNet and BeePathNet Reloaded partnership
Comments: In addition to the English and Slovenian language version the short guidelines will be available in several other EU languages shortly.
Contact us for more information on how your city can get involved and start your Bee Path journey.