Milan Urban Food Policy Pact: Regional Forum in Europe and Asia Pacific

Edited on 26/12/2022

Since 2015 the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) has grown, increasing the number of the city partners and reaching new important results as the last two Regional Forums in Almere (NL) and Bandung (IDN).

Eurocities and MUFPP European cities met on 22-24 June in Almere (Netherlands) alongside the Floriade Expo 2022 to discuss new and old challenges to transform the urban food system. The meeting, titled “The table is set”, has focused on crosscutting issues like: multilevel governance collaboration, food environment, food identity and social inclusion, local and regional food and circular economy solutions for food.

Furthermore, on 3-4 August 2022, the city of Bandung (Indonesia) hosted the 1st Regional Forum in Asia Pacific, an opportunity to advocate the importance of improving access to food and building more sustainable and just food systems. The two-day event titled “Improving City Food Security and Creating Work Through Urban Farming Based on Culture and Technology” focused on overcoming existing inequalities in accessing food, obtaining greater food security and boosting job creation. One of the solutions Bandung has implemented is the Urban Farming programme, whose purpose is to overcome the issues of food quality and insecurity in the city with actions such as encouraging culture-based urban farming.

Thanks to these opportunities created by the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, the city partners and the international experts have had the chance to work together and share knowledge and practices on key issues to achieve a more sustainable food system from various viewpoints, improve food policies practices and reach the goals set by MUFPP.

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Submitted by Cristina Sossan on 26/12/2022
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Cristina Sossan

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