19/09/2022 19/09/2022
MILE is a Fast Track Pilot Project - one of the tools for implementing Region for Economic Change Programme - launched within the framework of URBACT I, in order to experiment the organisation and working processes before URBACT II.

Mile seeks to establish a thematic partnership network of 9 Cities and its Managing Authorities, which is based on the need to develop an integrated exchange programme relating to the theme of "Managing migration and Integration at local LEvel - Cities and Regions (MILE)". The overall goal of the project is to assist partner cities to develop and identify good practice project proposals for possible funding from ERDF, ESF or other EU or National sources of funding. Mile is based on the need to develop an integrated exchange programme focussing on the definition of a Local Action Plan relating to the theme of Managing migration and Integration at local level.
For this purpose, the project will address and develop the three following agreed subthemes:
- Enterprise development
- Active inclusion in the labour market
- Access to services and intercultural dialogue
Lead Partner : Venice - Italy- Amadora - Portugal
- Nea Alikarnassos - Greece
- Rotterdam - Netherlands
- Seville - Spain
- Timisoara - Romania
- Turin - Italy
- Vantaa - Finland