URBACT welcomes 10 Innovation Transfer Networks!

Edited on 28/06/2024


A picture of small groups of people networking and the URBACT Innovation Transfer Networks visual in one corner.

10 Innovation Transfer Networks start their journey following the decision of URBACT’s Monitoring Committee on 28 June 2024. 

On 28 June 2024, the URBACT IV Monitoring Committee approved 10 Innovation Transfer Networks whose city partners will work on adapting and re-using completed Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) projects. The networks will kick off their journey on 1 September 2024 and conclude the transfer process within their URBACT partnerships on 31 August 2026. 

The Innovation Transfer Networks gather 61 Partners from 19 countries (including from Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance states) and constitute mostly medium-sized city partnerships. 

Among those 61 Partners in the new networks, 39 (64%) are new to URBACT! In terms of geographical representation, the top number of Partners come from Spain (8), followed by Portugal and Greece (7 each), and Italy (6).



Discovering the networks' thematic focus


When it comes to the subjects tackled by the Innovation Transfer Networks, the three most addressed ones are urban poverty, urban security and culture and cultural heritage, with two networks working on each theme. The other topics include housing, integration of migrants and refugees, digital transition, and jobs and skills in the local economy, each undertaken by one partnership. The specific focus of every network is presented on the infographic above.


The 3-stage journey of Innovation Transfer Networks 


The Innovation Transfer Networks will follow the URBACT transfer method of ‘Understand, Adapt, Re-use’. From 1 September 2024 they will work on consolidating their partnership’s objectives, involving local stakeholders, and developing a deep understanding of the original Urban Innovative Actions’ project - the practice to be transferred. After six months, from 1st March 2025 the networks will move to the ‘Adapt’ stage of their journey, selecting the most relevant elements of the original practice and adapting them to their local context, preparing the ground for the development of Investment Plans. The development of Investment Plans is expected to further facilitate the implementation of the Urban Innovative Action project under transfer. Finally, from 1st March 2026 the Innovation Transfer Networks will complete their Investment Plans and disseminate the key lessons learnt. 

Follow the journey of the Innovation Transfer Networks on the URBACT website and stay tuned for the next opportunities by subscribing to the URBACT newsletter

Submitted by on 27/06/2024