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    Open for business? Europe’s cities and the skills challenge of the Next Economy

    Eight years after the advent of the Global Financial Crisis, much of Europe's economy continues to be sluggish, with uneven rates of jobs and business growth across the EU. There are, of course

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    Ready for the future? Urban resilience in practice


    Urban resilience is the capacity of urban systems, communities, individuals, organisations and businesses to recover, maintain their function and thrive in the aftermath of a shock or a stress

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    Undertaking spend analysis and developing procurement strategy

    If cities are to progress the way in which they undertake procurement so that it brings more local economic, social and environmental benefits, they need to go through a number of steps. As part of

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    A short discussion note on Community Cohesion

    The theme of the First Workshop in Dresden 21-23 September 2016

    The issue of community cohesion has becoming increasing more pressing and as such has pushed the issue higher up the political agenda

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    Roadmap to a better Social Media Governance

    How Social Media can help the collaboration between Public Administration and Citizens

    "There is a lot of power in people to self-organise around a specific issue and if they'd like to use technology

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    How Eindhoven unlocks the collaborative capacity of the city through social service delivery


    It is clear why Dutch cities have a good reputation recently among urbanists. In the beginning of the year we heard that four Dutch cities, Tilburg, Utrecht, Groningen and Wageningen, from January

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    Cities talking Digital

    Have a listen to URBACT’s first ever podcast which explores what we mean when we talk about digital jobs in Europe’s cities and what cities from all URBACT networks – whatever their core theme - could

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    Realising the opportunities of EU Procurement Directives

    I have spent much of the last ten years undertaking work around public procurement and local economic development. The emphasis of that work has largely been around measuring the impact the

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    What do European consumers want on their plate today?

    A growing global movement recognizes that the current complexity of food systems based on economies of scale is causing economical, societal and environmental challenges to cities and rural areas