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    Consejo Mundial CGLU 2021

    En el marco del Smart City Expo World Congress de Barcelona, Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU) celebra su Consejo Mundial. El escenario de SCEWC se configura como un lugar donde repensar cómo

  • URBACT wordt (nog) groener

    Van een CO2- neutraal festival tot nieuwe URBACT IV-stedensteun, URBACT versterkt haar inzet voor een koolstofarme economie op alle niveaus.

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    USE-IT: a new and innovative approach to regeneration

    Over the course of the last 30 years, cities across Europe have adopted a relatively orthodox approach to regeneration. By developing their city centres physically and by seeking to attract inward

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    Προσβάσιμες πόλεις – Εστίες Πολιτισμού To παράδειγμα της Κομοτηνής

    Προσβασιμότητα είναι η δυνατότητα που δίνεται σε κάθε άνθρωπο να κινείται με ανεξαρτησία, άνεση, ασφάλεια και αυτονομία σε όλους τους χώρους, ώστε να συμμετέχει ισότιμα στα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά

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    Parma, dall’esperienza europea di URBACT, UIA e Agenda urbana europea alla programmazione 2021-2027

    Un centinaio tra Sindaci, amministratori, funzionari delle Città italiane hanno preso parte questa mattina a Parma al terzo incontro annuale della Rete italiana delle Città URBACT, Urban Innovative

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    Urban Local Group The Hague: the next step towards their resource center

    On the 28th of October the ULG-members (Urban Local Group) of The Hague organized a session to put their vision on the URBACT Resourceful Cities trajectory into writing. The ULG exists of local

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    Klaipeda Case Study: Virtual hackathon “Unlock SDGs”

    To achieve Agenda 2030 and make sure that we leave no one behind, everyone needs to get involved in the work towards a more sustainable world. Youth continuously are an important factor in this work

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    Devet rešitev za bolj živahna in produktivna mesta

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za spodbujanje participacije in produktivnosti navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?

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    Devet načinov, kako lahko mesta postanejo pravičnejša in vključujoča

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za pravičnejšo družbo navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?