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  • Articles

    CO4CITIES - 3rd Transnational Meeting, Budapest, November 25-26, 2021

    The Third Transnational Meeting was hosted by the city of Budapest in the mornings of 25 and 26 November 2021.

  • Articles

    Case study Kavala: Integrated green procurement

    In this seventh case study delivered by the URGE network, the city of Kavala shares their approach to using procurement as a means to adress environmental and social challenges. Building upon good

  • Articles

    O vrednosti javnega prostora in kako ga najbolje uporabiti

    Pred skoraj dvema letoma se je majhna skupina mest odločila, da bodo izboljšala rabo svojega javnega prostora. Združili so se v URBACT omrežje, ki se imenuje Space4People. V teh prizadevanjih niso

  • When European citizens’s expectations about energy transition are gathered in a planet


  • Articles

    City video URGE: Copenhagen

    The eigth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

  • Articles

    CO4CITIES - 1st Transnational Meeting, Turin May 10-11, 2021

    Due to the Covid-19 situation, the 1st Transnational Meeting of CO4CITIES was organised online.

  • When European citizens’s expectations about energy transition are gathered in a planet…

    In line with the DNA of the Urb-En Pact network, participatory approaches are encouraged. The network launched a survey for the citizens to identify their expectations towards public authorities about

  • #Bratislava4CSR: improving urban life through CSR activities

    Bratislava, CITIES4CSR Project Partner, is the capital and simultaneously the entry gate into the Slovak Republic. The beauty on Danube, as called within living memory, with almost 460 000 inhabitants

  • Articles

    Halfway on the Journey of Exploring Social Impact Bonds

    'Are Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) going to be the new secret tool for providing adequate public services?' - asked eight European cities themselves in May 2020. Then they set out together on a journey