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  • Articles

    Building inclusion through arts education: Valongo engages the community and shares progress

    The first public community meeting and a study visit to an arts school which works with vulnerable youngsters under an innovative approach: here is Valongo's latest update on how the URBACT ONSTAGE

  • OLD DOGS, NEW TRICKS: Can cities really learn...?

    Whilst the Learning Ladder of Implementation gives us a framework to help us understand what we’re dealing with, there are still some other things to consider when developing our understanding of

  • STEP BY STEP WE GO: Structured learning about implementation

    In the previous post (Talking About Doing) we looked at defining what we mean by implementation and introduced the idea of separating the concept of Implementation from the concept of Policy – looking

  • TALKING ABOUT DOING: Finding a common language about implementation

    The URBACT Implementation Networks have supported cities to exchange expertise and knowledge about how to implement their projects more successfully, looking to understand and improve how the

  • Articles

    We present the ON BOARD at URBACT Campus

    On the 4th and 5th of June, Viladecans hosted the URBACT Campus, two intense days spent training municipal technicians and local stakeholders associated with the 17 URBACT transfer networks operating

  • Articles

    Bees and pollination are important factors for biodiversity as well as for the economy

    Without bees 75% of our food plants would not yield any fruits at all, there would be a major economy lost in crop production, wildflowers would not ripen seeds and biodiversity would drastically

  • Articles

    Training programme & boundary conditions to enter employer/employee responsibilities

    All processes carried out by cities, both those related to revitalization and other measures against social exclusion and social cohesion should be preceded by appropriate preparation. Changes are

  • Articles

    Check-list of specific standards & abilities concerning general knowledge about regeneration

    It's time for the first of our outpusts. At the beginning we share with you a list of standards and skills necessary when you start revitalizing.