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  • Articles

    Общинските оранжериите за био-зеленчуци в Троян са готови

    Община Троян се сдоби с оранжерии за отглеждане на екологично чисти зеленчуци, които ще се ползват за приготвяне на храна за детските заведения в общината.

  • Articles

    Convocatoria abierta: Young Elected Politician Programme 2021

    Si eres una persona menor de 40 años y actualmente ocupas algún puesto de representación política en la administración local o regional, no dudes en participar en la convocatoria Young Elected

  • Action planning in practice - The example of Frankfurt am Main’s Womens Office

    Action planning, what is it, how does it work and what can be a good example of a successful action plan? In this article we will focus on action planning in practice with the example of Frankfurt am

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    Keď miestni prebudili veľké prázdne budovy: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Neapol (Taliansko)

    V roku 2015, v snahe nájsť spôsoby, ako znovu využívať veľké, opustené stavebné komplexy v meste, Neapol inicioval sieť URBACT 2nd Chance, v ktorej sa stretlo ďalších desať miest EÚ. Vďaka tejto

  • Articles

    Az infrastruktúra újragondolása mint lehetőség


    Amikor infrastruktúráról beszélünk, nemcsak annak hatékonyságára, hanem a környező közösségekre gyakorolt hatására és a szomszédos területekkel való kapcsolatára is gondolnunk kell. Ez felelősség és

  • Articles

    Healthy Cities are Gender Equal Cities

    What makes a city a healthy place to live, work, and socialise? And do planning needs differ depending on gender? For International Women’s Day this year we are exploring some key ideas of how urban

  • Articles

    Let’s put gender equality at the heart of building back better

    URBACT expert Sally Kneeshaw gives us her recommendations for how gender equality should be made a key part of cities’ Covid recovery.

  • News

    How to transfer urban good practice – lessons from an URBACT study

    The transfer of good practice between cities works. Find out what URBACT has been learning about the keys to success.