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  • Articles

    Pooling urban commons: the Civic eState

    Naples’ Urban Civic Uses policy is characterised by the way artists, creatives, innovators and city inhabitants are entitled to organise themselves to establish forms of self-government for critical

  • Articles

    Cities in international perspective: Leuven

    In the Welcoming International Talent project, seven cities aim at sharing knowledge, improving policies and implementing best practice projects in their international student cities. But why are

  • Social cohesion

    Fighting homelessness: the role of cities

    Laura Colini, URBACT programme expert gives an overview of the URBACT City Lab for Cities Fighting Homelessness, which was done in collaboration with FEANTSA and the Mairie de Paris.


  • Articles

    Come in! - Talking Houses /Shared Stories at Budapest

    On the first weekend of May will be held the Budapest100 Open Houses, this year's theme is Bauhaus. The event coincides with URBACT Come in! - Talking Houses / Shared Stories project with Masterclass

  • Articles

    Come in! - Talking Houses /Shared Stories at Budapest

    On the first weekend of May will be held the Budapest100 Open Houses, this year's theme is Bauhaus. The event coincides with URBACT Come in! - Talking Houses / Shared Stories project with Masterclass

  • Articles

    RU:RBAN speaks with the Far East

    The 14th High Level Forum (HLF) on Regional and Urban Policy Cooperation, organized by the IUC Asia project ( as a side event

  • Articles

    Diary of an international talent in Groningen

    The Welcoming International Talent project focusses on welcoming international students and expats in medium sized European cities. Aim is to improve welcoming policies of these six cities with

  • Articles

    Re-grow City: turning disadvantage into opportunity

    Regeneration practitioner and academic, Dr Hans Schlappa is the lead expert on Re-growCity. This network focuses on small and medium sized towns facing urban decline and shrinkage following Altena (DE